Sunday 29 January 2017

A Girl

Short Story 

A Girl

I work in a Govt. Department and generally travel to office on my bike or by car. It was raining profusely overnight and was not possible for me to travel by bike and my car was also at service station, so I was left with only option  of going office through public transport i.e. Bus. Carrying an umbrella in one hand and Tiffin in other, I was thinking of my past when I use to travel by Public transport during my college days, my struggling days as I had no other means of transport.

Travelling after in Bus after so many years, I felt that not many things have changed. Drivers still stop their vehicles here and there without proper bus stop, use to overload their vehicles and use other illegal means etc. Anyways, till the closing of office , rain had stopped and for going back home the bus I had boarded was full to its capacity except one seat where one middle-aged person was sitting. I adjusted myself there and taken that seat beside that man. Till the next stop the bus was so crowded that even day light couldn’t pass through. Then only I saw a confident young modern girl in western attire standing near my seat with pile of books in her hands and a bag on her shoulder. As a courtesy call, I offered my seat to her and after my request she while thanking me with a smile on her face for this generosity sat over there.

Due to very heavy rush in the Bus I was not able to see outside and then only when I was looking at her books, I noticed that the middle-aged man was touching her with his elbow and she in order to save herself and avoid the situation separated herself from him or may be she was thinking that it was accidental due to heavy rush in the bus. But the man shamelessly again came closer to her and again started to molest her and then only she raised an alarm that he is trying to misbehaving with her.

The said middle-aged man smartly in order to save himself from the public wrath said: “You are mistaken young lady, you are like my daughter.” Passengers sitting in the bus have different opinions over the incident. Some were saying; “How mean or cheap this girls is, who is trying to tarnish the image of a respectable person by accusing him of molesting her” and some were talking about her western attire that such girls attract innocent male with such clothes and then create scenes.

Then only I thought that I am living in a country where our Ministers are issuing advisories to female foreign tourists for avoiding short clothes and skirts during evenings then such state of mind of the common masses towards female folks is acceptable.  

After coming out of my thoughts I realized that the girl is feeling alone and then only I intervened in the matter and asked; “I had seen him teasing her.” On hearing the man had heating exchange of words with me and which ended in a scuffle and me and the girl didn’t gave any respect to his middle-age and gave him a thrash. Later, we were joined by several other co-passengers and he asked the driver to hand him over to the Police. On his repeated requests only, the girl forgiven him.
During my Bus visit I realized that how our mothers, sisters, friends, co-worker girls or ladies feel humiliated everyday because eve-teasing and sexual abuse is common in our society but only few of them are reported to the authorities due to many other social obligations. We are living in a society where on one hand female is given the status of goddess and on the other hand they are looked as a commodity.  
                                                                                 -         Swarn Deep

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